Photo by Melanie Deziel / Unsplash

Maximizing Engagement with Your Blog Subscribers: Asking for Feedback and Input

Blogging Oct 17, 2022

My last tip that many blog owners forget about is that there is nothing wrong with asking for help from readers. Asking for feedback from your blog subscribers is an important way to improve your content and grow your audience.

Your subscribers are the people most likely to read and engage with your content, so it's important to know what they like and dislike. By asking for feedback, you can get a better understanding of what your audience wants and tailor your content accordingly.

If you're not getting the engagement you want, or if you're noticing a drop in traffic, asking your subscribers for feedback can help you identify any problems and make changes to improve your blog.

By asking your subscribers for their input and opinions, you show them that you value their thoughts and ideas. This can help foster a sense of community and encourage more engagement with your blog.

Your subscribers are a great source of inspiration for new blog post ideas. By asking for feedback, you can get ideas for content that will be relevant and interesting to your audience.

There are many ways to ask for feedback from your subscribers, including through surveys, polls, comments, and social media. Be sure to let your subscribers know that their feedback is important and valued, and be open to making changes based on their suggestions. Asking for feedback is a simple but effective way to improve your blog and build a stronger connection with your audience.

If your blog has quality content that helps or entertains, your subscribers then there is nothing wrong with placing a donation button on your blog in the sidebar or as part of your post signature line. On a few of my purely informative blogs.

I’ve noticed that offering free items such as eBooks and syndicating posts on article sites increased my donations enormously. Many readers want to make sure your site stays live so that you can continue providing little treats for free. If you are nervous about placing donation boxes on your site keep this in mind. The donation boxes cost you nothing and the worst your readers can do is not contribute. When it comes to donations the rewards far outweigh the costs. If you have several thousand unique visitors every month and even one-quarter of them leave a donation you have cleared a pretty large sum.

Donations can especially come in handy for when you, the blog owner, or your company is in trouble. There are times when business is not going well and all ad revenue has either slowed down or is not earning enough to keep your blog going. In situations such as those don’t be afraid to write a post explaining your situation and ask for a little help.

You’d be surprised at the outcome.

Another blog owner, and blog designer, I know was once on the verge of shutting down her blog permanently. She was extremely quiet about it and I only found out when I was trying to hire her to design a wordpress theme. After speaking with me she, reluctantly, posted to her blog explaining that she would be shutting down her blog site at the end of the month because she could no longer afford the hosting costs. In addition to this, we released a press release on several free online press release services.

The response was astounding.

Even though neither the post nor press release directly requested money the offers came flooding in. At the instance of some readers she placed a Paypal donation box on her blog and received hundreds of dollars in donations from fans of her work. This designer had been offering quality, free, Wordpress themes for years and this had not gone without notice. Before the week was through she was entirely caught up on her past due hosting bill and was able to prepay for the next year.

The revenue generating ideas outlined in this e-book are really just the beginning. If you have a message, product, or service and a blog to promote them then you can earn an impressive income. With a little work, creativity, and traffic you can turn a hobby or back site into full-time income that requires minimal start-up fees. Don’t be afraid to try any of the ideas or methods mentioned in this eBook. They are all tried and true.

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Marcus Rodrigues

Changing lives through entrepreneurship is our great ambition. Changing the world is a long-term job, so let's work hard to turn as many people into millionaires as possible.