Photo by Aiden Frazier / Unsplash

Is really a scam?

SEO and traffic Jan 6, 2023

Fiverr is a website that allows people to buy and sell a wide range of services, such as graphic design, writing, translation, marketing, and programming. It is a platform that connects people who need services with freelancers who are willing to provide those services for a fee. The site is named after the concept of offering services for $5, but most services now cost more than that. Users can browse through the available services, called "gigs," and place an order for the ones they want. The freelancers who offer the services set their own prices and delivery times, and users can leave reviews and ratings for the services they receive.

How to start on fiverr

If you are interested in starting as a seller on Fiverr, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Create a Fiverr account: Go to the Fiverr website and click on the "Sign Up" button to create a new account.
  2. Create your profile: Once you have an account, you will need to create your profile by adding information about yourself and the services you offer. This will help potential buyers learn more about you and what you do.
  3. Create your gig: A gig is a service that you offer on Fiverr. To create a gig, click on the "Sell" button at the top of the page and follow the prompts to create a gig listing. You will need to choose a category, add a title and description, and set your price and delivery time.
  4. Promote your gig: After you have created your gig, you can start promoting it to potential buyers. You can share the gig on social media or other websites, or you can use Fiverr's promotional tools to reach a wider audience.
  5. Complete orders: When you receive an order for your gig, you will need to complete the work and deliver it to the buyer according to the terms of the order. You can communicate with the buyer through the Fiverr messaging system to ensure that you understand their needs and to provide updates on the progress of the work.

Remember to always deliver high-quality work and to communicate with your buyers in a professional manner. This will help you build a positive reputation on Fiverr and attract more business.

All about Fiverr

What would you do for just $5? Well, there are plenty of people across the web (and the rest of the world) who are perfectly willing to do practically anything for $5. That's thanks to a site known as Fiverr.

Fiverr is an online marketplace that allows people from across the world to offer tasks and services (gigs) to potential clients. The site gets its name from the lowest amount that each user can charge for gigs to sell, which is $5 USD. This is known as a "microtransaction" website. Fiverr is the largest in the world of its kind.

Even though most gigs are priced at $5, their services generally range between $5 to as much as $500. The site also allows users to offer Gig Extras or peripheral features (add-ons) that complement their main gigs.

All sorts of freelancers and hobbyists use Fiverr to, well, make money. Some users are even quite lucrative on the site, thanks to their Fiverr gigs. Don't be fooled by the low price of gigs on Fiverr though. Many sellers make a lot of money on Fiverr. Though, you're probably wondering to yourself, how do you make money on Fiverr in the first place?

Tips for making money on Fiverr

Anyone can make money from setting up a few Fiverr gigs. Though, a lot of people find it difficult to actually keep making money on the site. So, to help out, here are some tips from Fiverr experts that may help people like you make money on Fiverr.

1. Provide a unique service or, alternatively, provide a service that you know others can use. By now, there are many users on Fiverr doing similar gigs-don't let that stop you, though. As long as you have something that people feel comfortable buying, you have the potential to make money on the site.

2. Find gigs to sell that you can do repetitively. Most of the Fiverr gigs you complete will be the same gig. If you can't handle working on the same gig for different clients, you won't be able to take advantage of the opportunity.

3. Deliver your Fiverr gigs well ahead or on time. They say to under promise and over deliver for any gig, and that rings true for Fiverr gigs. It's important to be honest about your delivery times on Fiverr, so your clients will understand how long you may need to complete the gig. Don't forget to do your best to provide a quality gig-many of the best Fiverr users get repeat customers for that reason.

4. Optimize your Fiverr listings. You can't just make a plan Fiverr listing-take the time to add photos, videos and a keyword-optimized description to your Fiverr gigs. Taking time to ensure that your listings are 'visible' will allow more people to find them and, well, buy them.

5. Work towards becoming a Level 1 Seller. Fiverr has seller "levels", each with their own unique set of perks like the ability to add Gig extras. The most important thing about these levels however, is that they place a badge next to your name and gigs which allows buyers to trust you more. Getting to level 1 is not difficult. It only requires you to be a member on Fiverr for at least a month and to complete 10 orders.

6. See what your competitors on Fiverr are doing. Take a look at the gigs that are similar to yours that sell the best. What keywords do they use? What gig extras do they offer? What kind of gig photo or video do they have? Use this as inspiration for your own gigs and to get ideas.

If you always wanted to turn a passion, hobby or skill into a great side-income, Fiverr is a terrific place to start. It's free to sign up and to use. Fiverr does take a 20% cut from all your earnings so it is something to consider when starting your money making journey on the microtransaction website.


Fiverr is a legitimate website that allows people to offer their services for a fee. It is not a scam, but like any other online platform, it is important to be cautious and do your research before using it.

Some people may have had negative experiences with the site or with certain individuals offering services through the site, but this does not mean that the site itself is a scam. It is always a good idea to read reviews and ask for references before hiring someone or purchasing a service, and to use caution when sharing personal information or paying for services online.

If you need extra cash or you do not have a permanent job as of the moment, it would be a good idea to sell your services on Fiverr. You can earn extra money doing what you love. So, if you really like graphic design and other cool stuff, it would be a good idea to try it out.

Fiverr provides a great opportunity for both buyers and sellers. It is user-friendly and it has a good reputation, too. More and more people claim that they have good experience on Fiverr.


Marcus Rodrigues

Changing lives through entrepreneurship is our great ambition. Changing the world is a long-term job, so let's work hard to turn as many people into millionaires as possible.