Insider Secrets To Bum Marketing Success
Now it is time for you to learn a few more important tips, little secrets that will skyrocket your business to the top of the industry. These are really key secrets here, so do not even consider skipping this section. While some people will start bum marketing immediately, I highly recommend you read the last few pages of this guide so you really do become an instant success as a bum marketer.
Learn How To Dominate GOOGLE – The Multiple Personalities Perspective
The most successful bum marketers are those with multiple personalities. It is true. Most people “assume” that everything they do must be “done” under their name. Have you heard of the term “alias” however?
Did you know that you can have multiple accounts with
That's right. And did you know that you can have 2 articles with the exact same keyword listed in the top 10 in by writing 2 articles with the exact same title.
That's right. Instead of having 1 article in the top 10 in Google for your keyword you are targeting, you can have 2 articles listed in the top 10 in Google for that exact same keyword.
All you need to do is setup 2 free accounts with
Under 2 different names. I have many different accounts all with different pen names and this is totally acceptable as long as the articles are of good quality.
By using this method, you will have to create 2 totally different articles, but that is ok, this gives you even more chance to get even more people to read your article.
It basically doubles your exposure.
Don't forget, there are also other article directories like to submit to. I ALWAYS submit unique articles to each directory. Do not rely on alone to become a successful bum marketer. Remember just as you should adopt a multiple personality’s perspective, you should adopt the idea of a multiple “tools” perspective.
If you do use other article submission services, make sure you create new and original articles for these submission services. I never ever submit the same article that I submit to to
It really makes your articles suffer in the search engine ranking game to spread your articles over that many directories.
It only takes 10 to 15 minutes to knock out a quick article, so why not create a new article for each directory. It is the simplest and best way to make the most money as a bum marketer.
Here is a fact. You will run out of products on one day to promote (yes, I know… sad but true) so it's best to milk the real winners as much as you can. Try and get as much out of each product you are promoting as you can, if you don't you are pretty much leaving money on the table.
That's definitely not a bum marketing trait!
Give Them An Actionable Plan
Want to really sell the products you are promoting with your articles? I mean really sell, not just enjoy pity sales…
This method will set your sales on fire. I've been using this method now for over a year to write my articles and I've seen an increase in sales beyond what I thought possible for article marketing. This also works well when writing and selling your own e-books.
Nothing makes people want to buy more than this... giving them a reason to buy right now! You have to give them a reason to buy the affiliate product you are promoting right now and you can do that by giving them a plan of action to use straight away.
You see, most people need direction. They need you to tell them WHAT to do so they can do it. It is that simple. By providing them an action plan, what some marketers refer to as a “call to action” and then instilling a sense of urgency, most people will buy almost immediately, as soon as they click through to whatever it is you happen to be selling.
Tell your prospects right away how they can use the product you plan to offer and how they will benefit from it. Make certain they know they will benefit immediately but only if they act… RIGHT AWAY!
For example, let's say you are promoting a product about creating content sites for Google Adsense income.
In your article, you could give them a method of traffic generation that works so well with content sites that it practically makes them money hand over fist. Tell them it is so easy they can make money in their sleep; in fact, if they act right now they may make money in the next hour!
Then in your article byline, tell them you have a product that will make creating content sites so easy and all they have to do is put the two together and make money instantly.
You could write something like this....
"Want to know how to use this traffic generation method to suck in Adsense cash 24/7 with easy-to-make content sites? Visit my website below. Start creating traffic today using the one tested, proven and simplest tool on the Web."
People are sick of buying products and not having any reason to use them or doing nothing with them afterwards.
People are sick of wasting money on more information products. Information products are not enough. What people want is a plan that will make them money immediately. If you offer a product that can do this, then you are golden.
I was promoting an e-book about selling turnkey businesses for resale on the Internet. In the article I wrote, I gave them an exact business to create and sell. I told them the domain name to purchase, where to find the website template to use, how to write the content and what content to write and even how to sell the business in a few hours.
Then in my article byline to promote the e-book I wrote this,
"To learn how to make a full time living creating and selling turnkey businesses for profit, visit my website below for more information."
Did people buy? You bet! When people used the business plan I gave them and actually made money from it and they saw it was profitable, they came back in droves to buy the product from me.
Travis, the originator of the bum marketing method does this well in his course. Look for yourself and see how he does it:
He gives you the entire bum marketing method to try out, for free, no strings attached. He gives you a complete business plan to work with, and in the free course, he promotes a few affiliate products that make life easier and make you more money with bum marketing.
You kind of feel stupid if you don't buy the products he is recommending. Seriously, it is free and you can make money.
Honestly, how many of you that read his course signed up for solely on his recommendation?
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