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How to make money with your website or blog

Blogging Nov 4, 2022

When the Internet was first developed, online payment processing was all but nonexistent. Most businesses simply included information of where you could send your check or money order or a 1-800 number that you could call to make a purchase over the phone. The high-speed world of the Internet makes these options almost obsolete now. If someone is interested in your product and they're ready to buy it you have to provide them the ability to do so. This brings us to the point of payment processing.

Your website must have the ability to process customer's payments in order to deliver the product they wish to purchase. There are two main ways to do this, one being a traditional merchant account, and the other being online payment processors like PayPal. In order to make the most money from your website you want as many payment options as possible so choosing both of these options is the best way to do this. If you're brand new to the world of making money online, using a PayPal account provides an extremely easy option to get started.

Taking Payments

With PayPal, you simply have to register and add your bank account information and have it verified. Once you've set up your account, you can install a buy now button directly on your website that once clicked allows the customer to make a payment that will be sent directly to your PayPal account.

When you're ready to make a withdraw, simply click withdraw and the money will be put into your bank account. PayPal simply takes a small percentage of the transaction as payment the same way the traditional credit card processors do. For more information on how these work we suggest you visit each of the websites below:

Merchant Account- Online payment processing-

Okay, we've chosen a product, picked a hosting service, designed our website including specific elements needed to help make it profitable so were pretty much done, right? Well, almost. If you stopped here, you would probably never make a dime. The reason why is that no one knows you exist. The next step in our journey to making money online is to attract visitors to your website.

How to Get Visitors

The subject of getting traffic to your website is immense. We could begin discussing a multitude of ways you could use to do this and at about 100 pages later, we would have just begun to scratch the surface. Attracting quality targeted traffic is perhaps the most valuable skill you can possess as an Internet marketer.

Without potential customers, you simply have no business. We decided the best way to handle the subject in our book here was to simply provide a list of some of the most common ways of attracting website traffic with the ones that are generally considered the easiest and will produce the fastest results first.

It is recommended that you begin to investigate and learn about each method in more detail because the more knowledge you gain about the subjects then the more potential money you can make with your online business.

Telling everyone you know-once your website goes live, shout it out to the world! While not everyone that you know will be interested in the product you may be selling, they may know of someone who is or may be able to offer you valuable insight as to how to make your website better.

Include your website url in your signature-think about how many e-mails you send in a week. You simply put the URL of your website underneath your name on every e-mail and it acts as a constant source of free advertising for you. Make use of this simple tip and you will get people visiting your website.

Article marketing-article marketing is exactly what it sounds like: articles that are written about the subject of the types of products you sell are submitted to online directories. Once these articles have been submitted, other websites may choose to use your article as content for their own website and give you credit for writing it as well as a link back to your website.

If the article is written well and piques the interest of the reader then they may choose to click on your website. In addition, the other websites containing your article at link will help to rank your website in the search engines. This way, if someone is looking for something in the search engines on the topic that your product is about, it is more likely that they will find your website in the search results.

Article marketing is free and can result in immediate clicks if the content and writing of your article generate interest.

Linking from other sites-just as in the case of article marketing, your website link featured on another webpage is a very good thing indeed. First of all, depending on the information provided with your link some people may choose to click on the link to get more information. In addition, all the links back to your website will help to push you up in of the results of the search engines as well.

PPC-PPC stands for pay per click. I do not recommend starting here until you get some background knowledge of how this program works. Basically, you bid on a keyword or keyword phrases that someone might type into a search engine.

If your bid is high enough then your website will appear at the top of the listings thereby greatly increasing the potential that someone will click on your website. Unless your visitors are extremely targeted, however, you may end up getting a lot of traffic but no sales. Thus this method of traffic generation can be very expensive if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

On the other hand, if you have a budget and understand how the process works, this could be one of the fastest and most effective ways to get traffic to your website.

SEO-SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is the process associated with making sure that your website is found when someone types in a search term into a search engine. This is perhaps the most difficult and most misunderstood aspects about the subject of Internet marketing.

Because the Internet has changed so much since its inception, search engines work dramatically different than they did just a few short years ago. Because of this, many people are still trying older tactics that no longer produce real results so therefore it is easy to become confused with the information that you find on the net. One key tip that does remain constant is to make sure that you change and/or update the content on your site regularly.

When the mechanics of a search engine are indexing websites for content in order to properly rank them, websites that feature fresh and updated content rank much better than others that stay static.

We recommend searching the Internet and reading everything you can about the process of SEO, but for the time being, sticking with the techniques above for now will provide faster and more easily obtained results.

There are many firms that offer search engine optimization services but be careful, and make sure to verify the results that they have obtained for others before entering into an agreement with them or you could wind up spending a lot of money with very little results to show for it.

You are Now Up and Running!

If you followed all the steps above, you should now have a website that is live on the Internet, offering a specific product to a specific market, and hopefully attracting visitors who are making purchases. The entire process is of course much easier said than done, but if you take the time to understand the information that has been given and investigate the resources provided to you via the various web links, you can have your very own profit producing website set up easily in less than a week.

Once your business is up and running, the work doesn't stop there. Because this is a business, you should treat it like one and work to constantly make improvements on all facets including the look and feel of your website, the conversion rate at which you turn visitors into buyers, as well as the different ways you can use to drive traffic toward it. The information created thus far on the subject of Internet marketing would fill several lifetimes of learning so no matter how much patience and diligence you have you will simply never learn it all.

The landscape is changing all the time and the best that you can do is try to stay abreast of the current information about what works and what doesn't work in the world of online marketing.

We hope this book has been of value to you in learning just what it takes to begin making money online as you continue your journey, we want to wish you incredible success and hope that this simple beginner's guide to making money online was just one part of your journey to become an Internet millionaire.


Below is a list of some of the websites that we recommended in this book as well as the subject matter that they pertain to.

Keep in mind that for brevity's sake, this only represents a very small portion of what is available to you online. Simply use these as a guide point but feel free to investigate the many sources available to you and choose the resources to make the most sense for your particular online business.

  • Affiliate Products -
  • Domain Names -
  • Hosting -
  • Autoresponder -
  • Payments -
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Marcus Rodrigues

Changing lives through entrepreneurship is our great ambition. Changing the world is a long-term job, so let's work hard to turn as many people into millionaires as possible.